Blogging with rmarkdown, knitr, and Jekyll
Head of Data Science @ Satmetrix
If you want to give back, I think writing a blog is a great way. Many of the things that you struggle with will be common problems. Think about how to solve them well and describe your solution to others.
-- From Hadley’s Reddit AMA a few weeks ago
(and some dodgy wrapper functions I wrote)
alias push_blog='aws s3 sync /home/br/projects/brendanrocks.com/_site \ s3://brendanrocks.com --exclude "cache/*|README.md" --delete'
Is easy withe the awscli
1. Install R dependencies
install.packages(c("knitr", "servr", "devtools")) devtools::install_github("hadley/lubridate") devtools::install_github("brendan-r/brocks")
2. Install Ruby & Jekyll
3. Clone or download Yihui’s knitr-jekyll repo
4. Open up knitr-jekyll/knitr-jekyll.Rproj, and get blogging!
library(brocks) new_post("My first blog post!")